How to comment better on blogs is beneficial for you

How to comment better on blogs is beneficial for you

Everyone knows how to Comment on a Blog, but did you know that wrong comments can harm your blog. All of you who Blogging or who read blogs regularly must have been brought up at some point of time comments. If you Blogging, you must want to see good comments in your blog that are often not seen. And the comment we see are very small and they don't have anything important.

That's why if you're a Blog reader, you'll be option in a very place to write comments. Which can sometimes be a little irritating. But here we should think that if a blogger is taking out his time and doing a good post publish, it is the duty of readers that we should appreciate his hard work because doing so motivates him to write even better article in the times to come.

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Now the thing arises as to how we should write Comments better. Because it is not just a big deal to write comments, it is equally important to write it correctly. So today I wondered why i should not give you some information about writing a better Comment on Blogs so that you people can understand a little bit about it. Then let's start delaying and know how to write Comment.

Comments who Irritate us

From a blogger point of view, I daily reply about 20 to 30 comments. And often I face some very irritating comments. For example, they will be like this.

  • Nice Info

  • The information was good

  • Very good

  • Best Information

  • good post, useful post

And there are so many comments I get to see. These comments may not be negative, but they do not add post value. So there is no value for thousands of such comments even if they are in a post, they just space cover. Commenting feature should be used to give post some value and not to destroy its importance. If someone writes comments using 3 to 4 words, he is not only wasting his time but at the same time wasting the time of that blogger. You may be writing comments 100, but if you're not doing it properly, you can never have a good relationship with that blogger. At the same time, you can never make your brand image.

How to Comments better

If you really have to write a better Comment, you must keep in mind the tips I tell you. And frankly, if you follow my tips, you can definitely become a good Comment.

1. Bring your Originality to the fore, Use your real name and face whenever you're writing comments, which increases the authenticity of your comments. And they will blogger Comment you. You may Sign Up on Gravatar for this. In which you can give both your name and photo.2. Read Post well, Be sure to read it well before Comment in any post. By doing so, you can learn all the good and new information about that post and ask your doubts.

3. No need to write Comments in all Post, Well, you must be reading almost a lot of blog post during the day, but the thing is that there is no hard and fast rule that you need to write comment on all blog post. Yes if you like post too much

Come and you feel that you can Comment something good in it, so do Comment.

4. Keep your Point, If you do any comment, you must put forward your opinion or point. Your comment should be in such a way that your point know it very well. That's all you have to take care of.5. Disagree, If you feel that you don't agree with a point after reading it well, buzz can automatically keep his point in the Comment and disagree or disagree with any point in that blogger. Because after all, no one can fully accept everything from a person, differences are in everything. But adopt a little decency in displaying this.

6. Use your humor, If you use your humor or funny style, it's really attractive to give your comments, and it's easily noticed. So you must use this thing. But without hurt anyone's feelings.7. Ask Question, If you have a doubt in a point during blog post reading, you can only ask your questions in Comment, there is nothing bad about it. Infact, it is likely to doubts clear other people as well.

8. Formatting comments, Pay more attention to your comment format whenever you're writing Comment. For example, if all the Comment are large in a post, you can use small comment there, and if all the comment are small in a post, you can use large Comment there. So that your Comment will always be different from others.

9. Giving helpful links, If after reading a post you feel that you should give a helpful link to it, you can definitely add it. But it is obvious that it should be related to link useful and post.10. Well Structured Comment, Your Comment should also have a good structure. If your Comment is too large, you should divide it into small paragraphs. That's why if they're too small Comment, they should structure like list.

In any post, comment should not just do Comment by speaking, but only if you feel that you can add something more in your way to that post, you should comment in the post. Genuinely Comment without any selfishness. And yes, comment as well as share option in almost all post, so if you like a post, you can also share the post that can indirectly reflect your mood instead of just writing nice post or good post.

I sincerely hope I gave you full information about how to write Blogs better comment and I hope you guys have understood how to comment better on Blogs. I am happy with all of you readers to Share this information to your neighbors, relatives, your friends, which will create awareness among us and benefit everyone a lot. I need the cooperation of you people so that I can convey more new information to you.

I've always tried to always help my readers or readers from all sides, if you have any kind of doubt you guys can ask me to be stupid. I'll definitely try to solve those Doubts. How do you like to write a better comment on Blogs this article, please write to us comment so that we too can learn something from your thoughts and improve something.

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