How to Write a Blog Post From Start to Finish | allsoialmedia

How to Write a Blog Post From Start to Finish | allsoialmedia

What to do before and after Blog Post? These questions may have come to the minds of all the new bloggers at any time. The biggest mistake that all new bloggers and content marketers often make is that after a new blog post, they think that their responsibility is lost, but that's not true at all.

In fact, only then does the real work begin. The reason why best writers never become best bloggers and famous bloggers are hardly the best writers. As soon as you write an article, you become very excited that your article will have the voice of the whole world. But what to do now? Here you should think that the actions that followed determine the success of your Blog.

There are many things you can do before and after pressing the Publish button that will allow your blog to get maximum traffic. So in today you want to tell people something about this which you should use before and after the Blog Post. I'm going to share some tricks that you can use in your Blogs. Yes, you can also add your idea so that your success will further increase. Then let's start with the delay.

What to do before Blog Post

In this evening, I am going to tell you some postures and very few nuske, which you can use immediately in your next Blog Post, so you can say with a claim.

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1. Read again

You should read it thoroughly again when you have fully written an article. Or if possible, you should give someone who likes to get your mistake, or your friend or colleague will also run. This is because when we write something, our mind moves faster than the hands. That may have made things miss us. Your friends can show where that connection is going to be miss. So I'm of the opinion that you need to read that post again for some time.

2. Think your Headline again

What's seen before reading any blog post is Headline the more attractive and catchy it will be, the more visitors will be eager to read it. That's why you should always make your blog post title Clickable. A survey has found that every 5 visitor to 4 falls to your Headline, first and after that only 1 visitor reads your article in full. And if your headline isn't attractive, the conversion rate will go down.

3. Check Grammar and Spelling in your Article

If you've finished typing your Article and you're going to press the publish button. Then always remember one thing to keep your article always spelling and grammar free. If you have an editor, it's good, otherwise you can use a good tool as well. For this, you can edit your article very quickly and easily.

4. Use images

Statistical Proof has found that posts that contain images have more views and share. Because Images draw the audience's attention and the chances of your page views being doubled. So never forget to add some fascinating images to a post before you publish it. This will extend your readers' attention to the full date.

5. Add newsletter signal forms

Someone has really said that the money is in the list. This means that the more you have contact details of your visitors, the more you'll have the means to access them. And as a Blogger, you must have a database of Emails. And the best way to collect them is to ask your audience to subscribe to your Blog. You need to start with a simple signup forms. And you always have to keep in mind one thing that no visitor can subscribe to.

6. Question Add Can

If you need a good audience, you'll need to keep them engaged so that they can get your blog more and more. Engagement increases both bonding and commitment. For engagement, you'll need to ask them thoughtful questions so they can't go without answering. And remember to answer their comments as soon as possible.

7. Post Publish at the most appropriate time

Time is a very important factor to rank any good Post. Because it creates a lot of difference. First of all, we should thoroughly make a thorough analysis of the time at which your blog has the most traffic, depending on which time we should post our article. This will also make a lot of difference in traffic.

8. Link Your Old Post with a New Post

Many Bloggers link their old Blog Post with their new Blog Post. But have you ever wondered what the result would be if we worked on the contrary? Like a lot of traffic already comes up in our old Blog Post and if we link it up with our new Blog Post then our Blog Post will get a good Boost. In addition, it will also increase our post interlinking, which is a great thing for both our Website Structure and Build Authority.

What to do after blog post

Your work doesn't end after you publish a blog post. You also need to do the below work to top your post.

1. Submitting to Directories, If you post your Blog in a well-known Directories, you may not increase as much traffic as you can. But that's perfect for your Blog because it will make your Blog notice Search Engines. And so that all posts in your blog that haven't been indexed yet will be indexed well for some reason. And that will increase the visibility of your Blog to a great extent.

2. Miniaturizing Your URL,As we know, the URL of any Blog Post is huge, and I don't think it's okay to share such a large URL to Social Media. Because it sounds unprofessional. That's why we should use some online websites or tools to short these URLs to make it easier for us to share them. In addition, their click rate also increases significantly if we miniaturizing these URLs.

3. Comments should be answered quickly, It happens very often with all Bloggers not paying any more attention to a new Blog post that happens to visitors who comment in that post or ask questions, so they don't get an answer to their question so that they get a fascination with the Blogger. For this reason Blogger has to lose his Visitor Loyal. Therefore, you must answer the comment in your Blog Post and give it quickly. This keeps visitors on your pay trust, which is very important.

4. Share your post with Social Channels, This should be one of our habits that we need to share its links to Social Channels as soon as we post our Blog. Doing so shows people at your Post's bar and they come to visit it. There is also a benefit that if one of your visitors liked your post, he himself will share your post further. That will give your blog a good publicity. And it will rank in the top of Google Page.

5. Check blog analytics regularly, Check your Blog Analytics in because doing so will give you a good understanding of your Blog and also knowledge about your Visitors' Choice. This is because each Blogger should be well aware of their visitors' taste, which will help improve their Post. This will let you know that your one is more like visitor to The Topic, and they are less interested. You should do more in the category that is being liked by people. This will also increase Blog Traffic.

6. Comment on Other Blogs, We need to first create good contacts for the promotion of the blog. To do this, we need to have a good relationship with our Competitors, which can be done by writing their Blog Post comments. But remember that your Comments should have some life, which means that it should have some information, otherwise it can be assumed to be Spam. So a good way to give comments on someone's Blogs.

Remember that writing Blog Post in Blogging is a very small task, then you should follow all the steps that you've mentioned properly so you can make your Blog even more Popular. I think by now you may have understood how important Sitemap is, if you don't miss any page on your website, you'll need to take care that crawlers don't miss any pages.

You can also add metadata additional such as Change Frequency and Priority. You can also create Sitemap for Video and image. And once you've created Sitemap, be sure to validate it and notify Search Engines. I sincerely hope that I gave you full information about what people should do before and after having Blog Post and hope you will have understood the steps before and after the Blog Post to people.

I'm all aware of all your readers that you should also share this information with your neighborhood, relatives, your friends, which will lead to our awareness and benefit everyone. I need the support of you people so that I can reach out to you more new information.I've always been trying to help my readers or readers from all sides, if you have any doubts about people, you can ask me to be unwise.

I'll definitely try to solve those doubts. You must write a comment to us about what you should do before and after blog post this article so that we too get a chance to learn something from your thoughts and improve something.

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