How to Become a Blogger With full information - How to Make Free Blog - Basics of Blogging in English

How to Become a Blogger With full information - How to Make Free Blog - Basics of Blogging in English

If you're reading this post, it means you're interest in professional blogging. In today's article we will learn what blogging is. Whenever we professionally something, it means that we want to use our best skills and earn better.

Before I learn about Professional Blogging, I'll give you some idea about Blogging. Blog is a kind of website where people share their knowledge or information.

Every day millions and millions of people search Google or in different search engines to solution their problems. This does not mean search engine solutions the problems of people. Its job is simply to information collect them with different blogs and websites and show you their links.

We can say, people blogging to share their information. This leads to the interest of both Readers and Bloggers (Writers) as both help each other.

What is Blog – What is Blog in English

Blogs or (web log) are actually Website that are constantly update, while new content are often publish by Blogger. The same blog is written in a informal or conversational style (common conversational style).

The aim is to attract more and more people, as well as to achieve certain goals, whether it is a big community-building or grow a business, or to provide people with the right information.

What is Blogging – What is Blogging in English

A web log called "blog" in shortened form is actually a web page with contents or blog posts mehded. That's what these Blog Posts are called blogging writing. If someone knows how to Blogging, it means he has all the skills mehjuds that he can easily run and control a Blog.

You can use the right type of tools in your Web page to help write, Blog Post, Linking, as well as share Blog content on the Internet. This will make it easier for you to do all these tasks.

All essential definitions related to blogging

Now let's find out about some of the important definitions related to Blogging.

Definition of blog

A blog is a online journal/diary that is available in Internet through another users to read.

Definition of Blogger

Blogger is actually the person who owns that Blog. This is the one who keeps the blog alive by writing new blog post, new information, case studies, his opinion(s) etc. from time to time.

Definition of Blog Post

Blog Post is the piece of a article or a content written by blogger in his blog. For example, this article you are now reading is a "blog post" that I wrote in this blog.

Definition of Blogging

Blogging means all things that a Blogger does regularly in their Blog, such as doing good informational blog post, improving its design, seo, linking, sharing, etc.

All these tasks together are called Blogging. You must have all the qualities you need to Blogging the same. If not, you can definitely learn them from others.

Types of Blogging

I must have come to idea you a little bit about blogging. If blogging means to share knowledge, what is this professional blogging? As I told you earlier, if we professionally something, it means we ask him to income something. This is how we can divide blogging in two category.

1. Personal or Hobby Blogging

2. Professional Blogging

Personal Blogging: Personal or Hobby bloggers are those who have some story or experience to share. It may be about yourself, or about someone else. They don't have to make money from blogging.

These just blogging on a hobby tor. They don't have specific strategy or plan. They share without any motive. These just do blogging at the tor of time pass.

Professional Blogging: They are the Professional Bloggers who blogging and money earn so that they can walk to their house. It's a kind of business for them. Now you must be wondering how they earn professional blogger.

So let me tell you that these people make money from what you see ads in blogs or websites. Well, there are many ways in which these bloggers revenue generate a good revenue generate with their blog. E.g. : –

  • Advertising 

  • Content Subscription

  •  Membership Websites 

  • Affiliate Link 

  • Donation 

  • eBooks 

  • Online Courses 

  • Coaching or Consulting

These were some of the measures by which they income generate for themselves.

What is Professional Blogging?

You must have understood so much what a blogger is. So let's talk about some knowledge. Is it possible that somebody can business without planning? No, it's not possible. Professional bloggers has a good and better plan and strategy through which they earn money from their blog.

Similarly a Professional blogger, separated by a Personal blogger. If you have a write-in souk, you can easily get into blogging line. But if you want to earning well through blogging, you need a better plan, dedication, hard work and patience.

Blogging it's not that you've made a blog today and your earning will start from tomorrow. You need hard work and the most patience for that.

What are the reasons for Blogging

How to create Free Blog and Website

M Salman , known as the father of Pakistan Professional Blogging, had left for his job blogging. Today, they earn blogging, which no company might have given them.

Whoever leaves for his job blogging or considers blogging as his job, is either doing good earn through blogging, or wants to do so.

If you're job somewhere, you'll have to listen to your seniors all the time, office 've got to arrive on time, but blogging's. You can blogging from anywhere and anytime. You will be your own boss. So in this fast growing technology world of now, there is no better job than blogging.

Some important tips to become a better professional blogger

Here I'm going to do some tips share with you guys that are going to be very helpful in becoming a professional blogger to a common blogger. Here's how you can read how you created the blog.

Become Unique

Having Uniqueness is a very important part of Blogging. This is a important factor for Blogging. If you don't have a blog unique, people won't like it because there are many blogs who write the same content and people don't like such articles much.

And people won't even read what people don't like, so you won't earn. So if you want to be a better professional blogger then you should have blog and all unique contents it.

You have to be Passionate and Patient

You should not blogging if your goal is to make only money from blogging. There is no shortcuts to get Success.

If you want to be a successful professional blogger then you have to constantly try for it, work hard, keep yourself motivated and be passionate for whatever work you are doing. So if you believe me, blogging only on what you think is interesting.

Read the Blogs of others

If you want to successful in a field, you need to know about the competitors already located in that field. This work is also suitable for blogging. Here you have to read the blogs of your competitors first, understand what they write and how they write.

By doing so, you can understand their strategies and use your own mind to prepare your own strategies. It is very important to read and write in Professional blogging. So if you write well, there is no need to have too much over and confident because reading is equally important.

Don't be Copy Cat

You will already be aware that any topic you make blog will already have millions blog. Who often write the same articles. And if you start copy others like them, you will never be able to professional blogging.

So you can research well to collect data about any new article before writing it. And then give your ideas a good look that gives people some value.

stick on a Niche

This is the key of Blogging. Write articles only on any topic or niche you are about to choose. Don't change the topic of articles again and again. Doing so causes people to get a sense of confidence over your blog.

For example, if you write on the finance, you should write a articles related to it and not on the Cars. Doing so will not allow your finance to understand the audience Carss's related technical articles and gradually reduce the value of your blog.

So it's better to stick on the same niche and keep writing article. This increases your chances of increasing loyal visitors.

Contribute on the second Blogs of your Niche

Google himself has said that Guest Blogging is a great SEO Tactics from the point of view of SEO. These measures are effective as long as you submit in better articles better blogs. This increases the exposure of your Blog manifold. People get information about you who read articles in your niche.

So you have to prepare a list of your niche top bloggers and approach them guest posts that will help you both. This will network build good in both of you. This will benefit both of you in the long term.

Increase Income Sources

If you feel you're not doing as much income generate than your Blogs, you'll have to increase your income sources.

This means that you not only have to put ads in your Blog but you can also use other methods like affiliate marketing, banners, promotions, content writing, paid posts.

Become Consistent

Bloggers who often forget to be consistent. That's what separates Consistency a normal blogger from a professional blogger. Loose traffic in your blog is easier than gain. So we should consistently blogging.

If a blogger consistently continues to write good posts on his blog, he can make a good audience for himself, which is very important for his blog.

Those who have difficulty writing daily posts can write 2 to 3 posts a week, which will not reduce their productivity. I believe posts should take special care of the quality and quantity.

Establish yourself well in Social Media

Don't use Social Media according to just an entertainment item. Think that this is a platform where you can use your skills to help others. This will make them trust on you and they will become your blog ke loyal visitor.

Social Media is a place where you can engage people by providing great value. Since the highest number of people come to online Social Media, it will be a very good platform for you to convey your quality to others.

Set your blogging goals

A Blogger has to Blogging Goals set in front of him if he wants to become a Professional Blogger. This will show him how close he is to his goal.

Goals set for yourself at the beginning of the year will always remind you of what you have to do throughout the year. This will make you more concentrate and also motivate yourself.

Keep Update Blog

Today's times are changing. Something changes here every day, so the same thing happens to Blogs. Audience always need something new.

Being a Professional Blogger you have to update your Blog contents constantly. Doing so will not only keep you audience indulged but will also greatly increase the traffic of your blog.

After all, what do these professional bloggers do?

Even if your ears feel great to hear Professional Bloggers earn millions of rupees a month. But the truth is not that smiling.

This professional bloggers' life is not as comfortable as it is spoken. It is possible only after having a lot of different skills behind this comfortable life, many hours of hard work, waking up overnight, etc.

As more and more people are coming online slowly, the demand of new contents is increasing day by day. So if you want to be Professional Blogger, you can also get that position with your hard work and stated strategies.

Full blogging information

I hope you liked my article Blogging (What is Blogging in English). I have always tried to provide readers with complete information about professional blogging so that they don't have to be found in any other sites or internet about that article.

It will also save them time and give them all the information in one place. If you have any doubts about this article or you want it to improve, you can write a low comments for it.

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